- The school of Chemistry would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Yang Zhenyue .
- Shuhai Liu and Ming Han's paper was published on Advanced Functional Materials.
- Longfei Wang Shuhai Liu and Xiaofei Feng's paper was published on Nature Nanotechnology.
- Bolang Cheng's paper was published on Adv. Energy Mater.
- Xiaoqiang Tian,Qi Xu's paper was published on ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
- Long Gu, Jinmei Liu's paper was published on Nature Communication
- Shuhai Liu, Longfei Wang and Xiaolong Feng's paper was published on Advanced Materials.
- Qi Xu, Li Cheng and Leixin Meng's paper was published on ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
- Li Cheng, Qi Xu's paper was selected on Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights webpage.
- Li Cheng, Qi Xu, Youbin Zheng, Xiaofeng Jia's paper was published on Nature Communications.
- Visit from Xiamen University, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Pro Shi-Gang Sun.
About Us
The size of materials plays a vitally important role in their properties. As the size decreases to the range of nanoscale, many properties will change consequently. Compared with macroscopic materials, microscopic materials demonstrate many novel properties. Nanomaterials provide powerful building blocks for functional devices with high performances. Through proper design, the nanodevices composed of nanomaterials as their fundamental structural units will demonstrate outstanding performances.
We devote ourselves to developing new nanodevices with high performances. By exploring new synthesis methods of nanomaterials, studying fundamental properties of nanomaterials and optimizing the designs of nanodevices, we sufficiently utilize the special properties of nanomaterials and their compound effects in constructing devices to produce nanodevices with excellent performances.
Recent Publicationsmore

Statistical Piezotronic Effect in Nanocrystal Bulk by Anisotropic Geometry Control
Advanced Functional Materials. 2021,

Decoupling the charge collecting and screening effects in piezotronicsregulated photoelectrochemical systems by using graphene as the charge collector
Nano Energy. 2018, 48, 377-3821.

Clarifying the high on/off ratio mechanism of nanowire UV photodetector by characterizing surface barrier height
Nanoscale. 2018, 10,2242–2248.

Double-Channel Piezotronic Transistors for Highly Sensitive Pressure Sensing
ACS Nano. 2018, 12, 1732-1738.