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地址: | 甘肃省兰州市天水南路222号,物理院纳米科学与技术研究所 730000 |
- 2011-2015 兰州大学材料物理专业理学学士
- 2015-2017 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院材料物理与化学硕士
- 2017年至今 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院材料物理与化学博士(在读)
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- “Multichannel driving triboelectric nanogenerator for enhancing the output charge density” Ruichao Zhang, Mingmin Hao, Suo Bai, Peizu Song, Xiaofeng Jia, Weihao Gao, Qi Xu, Juan Wen, Li Cheng*, Yong Qin* , Nano Energy. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2022.107272
- "Anisotropic wetting properties of oblique nanowires array and their applications on water transportation and fog collection" Li Cheng, Qi Xu, Xiaofeng Jia, Ruichao Zhang, Suo Bai, Yong Qin*, Xudong Wang*. Surfaces and Interfaces. 2021,22,100784.
- "Enhancing the filtration efficiency and wearing time of disposable surgical masks using TENG technology" Ruichao Zhang , Qi Xu , Suo Bai , Jun Hai , Li Cheng , Guoqiang Xu , Yong Qin*. Nano Energy 2020,79,105434.
- "Self-cleaning and self-powered UV sensor for highly reliable outdoor UV detection" Qi Xu, Junjie Lou,Ruichao Zhang , Binbin Ma, Suo Bai, and Yong Qin*. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.0c00215.
- "High Rate Capacity Anode of Si-C Composite Nanofiber Wrapped with Cu Foam for Lithium-ion Batteries" Xiaoqiang Tian, Gaoda Li, Leixin Meng, Wang Tian, Xin Gu, Yaqin Ding, Ruichao Zhang , Xiaofeng Jia, Yong Qin*. Materials Letter 2020, 268,127572.