
办公室: | 格致楼3002 |
电子邮箱: | yuanmm2007@126.com |
地址: | 甘肃省兰州市天水南路222号,物理院纳米科学与技术研究所 730000 |
- 2007-2011 就读于兰州大学生命科学学院生物学基地班
- 2011-至今 兰州大学基础医学院病原生物学硕士研究生(在读)
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- 生物传感器
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- "Wireless, power-free and implantable nanosystem for resistance-based biodetection"L. Cheng, M. M. Yuan, L. Gu, Z. Wang, Y. Qin*, T, Jing and Z. L. Wang*, Nano Energy. 2015, 15, 598-606.
- "Biocompatible Nanogenerators through High Piezoelectric Coefficient 0.5Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.5(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 Nanowires for In-Vivo Applications" M.M. Yuan, L. Cheng, Q. Xu, W. W. Wu, S. Bai, L. Gu, Z. Wang, J. Lu, H. P. Li, Y. Qin*, T. Jing*, Z. L. Wang*, Advanced Materials. 2014, 26, 7432–7437.
- "An electrospun nanowire-based triboelectric nanogenerator and its application in a fully self-powered UV detector" Y. B. Zheng, L. Cheng, M. M. Yuan, Z. Wang, L. Zhang, Y. Qin*, T. Jing, Nanoscale. 2014, 6, 7842-7846.
- "Surface Engineering Method to Fabricate a Bendable Self-Cleaning Surface with High Robustness" W. W. Wu, L. Cheng, M. M. Yuan, S. Bai, Z. Y. Wei, T. Jing, Y. Qin*, Science of Advanced Materials. 2013, 5(8), 1-6. (W. W. Wu, L. Chengg and M. M. Yuan contribute equally.)
- "Flexible Fiber Nanogenerator with 209 V Output Voltage Directly Powers a Light-Emitting Diode" L. Gu, N. Y. Cui, L. Cheng, Q. Xu, S. Bai, M. M. Yuan, W. W. Wu, J. M. Liu, Y. Zhao, F. Ma, Y. Qin*, Z. L. Wang*, Nano Letters. 2013, 13(1), 91-94.
- "Lead Zirconate Titanate Nanowire Textile Nanogenerator for Wearable Energy-Harvesting and Self-Powered Devices" W. W. Wu, S. Bai, M, M, Yuan, Y. Qin*, Z. L. Wang* and T. Jing, ACS Nano. 2012, 6(7), 6231-6235.