
办公室: | 格致楼3002 |
电子邮箱: | ligd09@lzu.edu.cn |
地址: | 甘肃省兰州市天水南路222号,物理院纳米科学与技术研究所 730000 |
- 2009-2013年 兰州大学物理学基地班(电子器件与材料)专业学士
- 2017.10-2019.05: 美国普渡大学联合培养博士
- 2014年至今 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院材料物理与化学博士(在读)
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- "Adjustment of oxygen vacancy states in ZnO and its application in ppb-level NO2 gas sensor" Gaoda Li, Heng Zhang, Leixin Meng, Zhe Sun, Zhao Chen, Xiaoyu Huang, Yong Qin*. Science Bulletin. 2020, doi: https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2020.05.027.
- "Mechanically Asymmetrical Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Self-Powered Monitoring of In Vivo Microscale Weak Movement" Bolang Cheng, Jianxiu Ma, Gaoda Li, Suo Bai, Qi Xu, Xin Cui, Li Cheng, Yong Qin*, and Zhong Lin Wang*. Adv. Energy Mater. 2020, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202000827.
- "High Rate Capacity Anode of Si-C Composite Nanofiber Wrapped with Cu Foam for Lithium-ion Batteries" Xiaoqiang Tian, Gaoda Li, Leixin Meng, Wang Tian, Xin Gu, Yaqin Ding, Ruichao Zhang, Xiaofeng Jia, Yong Qin*. Materials Letter 2020, 268,127572.
- "Ultrasensitive Fiber-based ZnO Nanowire Network Ultraviolet Photodetector Enabled by the Synergism of Interface and Surface Gating Effects" Leixin Meng, Gaoda Li, Xiaoqiang Tian, Suo Bai, Qi Xu, Xiaofeng Jia, Xin Cui, Yong Qin*, and Wangsuo Wu. ACS Applied Materials and Interface. 2019,12,1054-1060.
- "Mechanism of the sensitivity enhancement of ZnO nanofilm gas sensor by UV light illumination" Gaoda Li, Zhe Sun, Dongyi Zhang, Qi Xu, Leixin Meng, and Y. Qin*. ACS sensors. 2019, 4, 1577−1585.
- "Data-driven and probabilistic learning of the process-structure-property relationship in solution-grown tellurene for optimized nanomanufacturing of high-performance nanoelectronics" Yixiu Wang, Raquel de Souza Borges Ferreira, Ruoxing Wang, Gang Qiu, Gaoda Li, Yong Qin, Peide D. Ye, Arman Sabbaghi, Wenzhuo Wu*.Nano energy. 2019, 57, 180-491.
- "Clarifying the high on/off ratio mechanism of nanowire UV photodetector by characterizing surface barrier height" G. D. Li, L. X. Meng, X. F. Zhu, W. H. Gao, Y. Qin*, and L. W. Chen*,Nanoscale. 2018, 10, 2242–2248.
- "Enhancing the performance of room temperature ZnO microwire gas sensor through a combined technology of surface etching and UV illumination" L. X. Meng, Q. Xu, Z. Sun, G. D. Li, S. Bai, Z. H. Wang, Y. Qin*,Materials Letters. 2018, 212, 296-298.
- "Type-II hetero-junction dual shell hollow spheres loaded with spatially separated cocatalyst for enhancing visible light hydrogen evolution" Z. Wang, W. W. Wu, Q. Xu, G. D. Li, S. H. Liu, X. F. Jia, Y. Qin*, Z. L. Wang*, Nano Energy. 2017, 38, 518–525.
- "Synthesis of large monolayer single crystal MoS2 nanosheets with uniform size through a double-tube technology" Z.Y.Tu ,G.D. Li , X. Ni, L.X. Meng, S. Bai, X.B. Chen, J.J. Lou, and Y. Qin*,Appl. Phys. Lett. 2016, 109, 223101.