
办公室: | 格致楼3002 |
电子邮箱: | chen8004_cn@sina.com |
地址: | 甘肃省兰州市天水南路222号,物理院纳米科学与技术研究所 730000 |
- 2008-2012 南京大学材料物理与工程学系理学学士
- 2012年至今 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院材料物理与化学博士(在读)
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- 一维纳米材料的制备及应用
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- "Decoupling the charge collecting and screening effects in piezotronicsregulated photoelectrochemical systems by using graphene as the charge collector" Xiaobo. Chen , Lazarus. German, Jihye. Bong, Yanhao. Yu, Matthew. Starr. Yong. Qin, Zhenqiang. Ma, Xudong. Wang*,Nano Energy. 2018, 48, 377-3821.
- "A self-powered sensor with super-hydrophobic nanostructure surfaces for synchronous detection and electricity generation"X.B. Chen ,Q. Xu , S. Bai, and Y. Qin*, Nano Energy. 2017, 33, 288-292.
- "Synthesis of large monolayer single crystal MoS2 nanosheets with uniform size through a double-tube technology" Z.Y.Tu ,G.D. Li, X. Ni,L.X. Meng,S. Bai ,X.B. Chen , J.J. Lou, and Y. Qin*,Appl. Phys. Lett. 2016, 109, 223101.
- "Wearable Triboelectric Generator for Powering the Portable Electronic Devices" N. Y. Cui, J. M. Liu, L. Gu, S. Bai, X. B. Chen, and Y. Qin*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2015, 7 (33),18225–18230.
- "Controllable fabrication of ultrafine oblique organic nanowire arrays and their application in energy harvesting" L. Zhang, L. Cheng, S. Bai, C. Su, X. B. Chen and Y. Qin* Nanoscale. 2015, 7, 1285 - 1289.